Peninsula farm hedging specialises in maintaining large hedges. Using the latest hydraulic hedges and cutting saws we are able to keep your hedge looking it's best.
Assessing your hedge.
The cost of cutting a hedge is dependent on how often the hedge is maintained.
If your hedge has been let go for a few years there will be a significant more amount of material that has to be removed.
Costs also depend on whether the cut material can be left on site, be mulched, or needs to be removed.
The benefits of regular hedge maintenance.
In maintaining your hedge on a regular basis you are able to greatly increase its presentation.
With regular cutting your hedge will become thicker removing holes and gaps.
Another benefit is the cut material is of a much shorter size and will fall back into the hedge down to the ground beneath it.
One of the large costs of tree hedging is the mulching and removal of material, regular cutting can reduce or eliminate this cost.
For example, a 100m long hedge that had been let go and grown 6m high and 4 meters wide was cut back to 4m high and 3m wide. This yielded around two 10m truck loads of mulch.
That would normally take two people working for a day and a half to load into the mulcher.
How often should I cut my hedge.
Ideally we suggest every 6 months this keeps your head looking neat and tidy and thicker and also makes the job quicker to perform as well as vastly reducing the cut material and costs of removing it.
Although this may not be feasible in every situation we would highly recommend doing it at least every 12 months.
In some cases, hedges are only cut every 2 to 3 years. In this case, the hedge when cut will look rough at least for a few weeks to even a few months until it thickens back up, but if a hedge is not maintained for too long it can be very hard to bring it back to look at it's best because if you cut too closely dead material will start showing that may not repair.